Category | Description |
A | Adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not shown an increased risk of fetal abnormalities. |
B | Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus, however, there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. or Animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus. |
C | Animal studies have shown an adverse effect and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. or No animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. |
D | Studies, adequate well-controlled or observational, in pregnant women have demonstrated a risk to the fetus. However, the benefits of therapy may outweigh the potential risk. |
X | Studies, adequate well-controlled or observational, in animals or pregnant women have demonstrated positive evidence of fetal abnormalities. The use of the product is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant. |
Jawaban pastinya susah...kenapa? Berdasarkan kategori diatas, obat2an diuji keamanannya pertama ke hewan percobaan kemudian diuji ke orang dewasa. Karena wanita hamil biasanya jarang dimasukkan ke dalam uji coba (di barat sana nggak banyak/jarang ada bumil yang mau jadi orang percobaan) dan efek samping yang terjadi (terutama yang jangka panjang) pada bayi sangat sulit dipantau (terlalu lama).
Khusus untuk antibiotika, aman tidaknya antibiotika tergantung berbagai faktor, diantaranya jenis antibiotika, berapa banyak makannya serta berapa lama makannya. Dalam memberikan antibiotika perlu ditimbang antara efek obat yang dimakan dengan bahaya yang terjadi jika kondisi penyakitnya tidak diobati. Jika pemberian antibiotika merupakan satu-satunya cara menyembuhkan penyakit, maka biasanya dokter akan memberikan obat yang paling aman.
Kategori A
Secara umum antibiotika yang masuk kategori ini sangat dikit. Salah satunya adalah
Nystatin vaginal (Mycostatin) (=anti jamur)
Kategori B
Umumnya antibiotika masuk kategori ini, belum diketahuinya ada hubungan dengan cacat bayi atau komplikasi kehamilan lainnya obat tersebut kemungkinan aman. Termasuk di dalamnya :
Augmentin (amoxicillin-clavulanate)
Macrobid (nitrofurantoin)
Flagyl (metronidazole) (masih kontroversi pada Trimester I)
Cephalosporins including: Keflex (cephalexin), Ceclor (cefaclor), Duricef (cefadroxil)
Cleocin (clindamycin)
Zithromax (azithromycin)
Golongan Sulfa (sampai hampir cukup bulan)
Famvir (famciclovir)
Zovirax (acyclovir)
Valtrex (valacyclovir)
Clotrimazole-vaginal (Mycelex, Lotrimin)
Kategori C
Biaxin (clarithromycin)
Cipro (ciprofloxacin)
Diflucan (fluconazole)
Monistat (miconazole)
Terazol (terconazole)
Vermox (mebendazole)
Tetanus booster (tetanus toxoid)
Vaksin: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza, meningococcus, pneumonia (pneumococcus), polio
Vaksin: Cacar, Mumps, Rubella
Kategori D
Obat ini jelas ada efek-nya ke bayi dan kehamilan. Hanya dipakai jika tidak ada alternatif yang lebih baik. Termasuk di dalamnya:
Tetracycline (dan turunannya), dapat menyebabkan perubahan warna gigi : tetracycline, doxycycline (Vibramycin), Minocin (minocycline)
Golongan Sulfa - Jika mendekati persalinan (karena bisa menyebabkan kuning yang berat pada bayi baru lahir)
Kategori X
Estrogen, Obat2an kemoterapi dll
Di setiap negara ada kategori sendiri2, misalnya di Jerman kategorinya seperti di bawah ini
Kategori | Deskripsi |
Gr 1 | For extensive application in humans has no suspicion of embryotoxic / teratogenic revealed. Animal studies provide no evidence of embryotoxic / teratogenic effects |
Gr 2 | For extensive application in humans has no suspicion of embryotoxic / teratogenic revealed. |
Gr 3 | For extensive application in humans has no suspicion of embryotoxic / teratogenic revealed. Animal studies, however, provide evidence of embryotoxic / teratogenic effects. These seem to be without significance. |
Gr 4 | No adequate and well-controlled studies on humans. Animal studies have shown no embryotoxic/teratogenic effects. |
Gr 5 | No adequate and well-controlled studies on humans. |
Gr 6 | No adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Animal studies have shown embryotoxic/teratogenic effects. |
Gr 7 | There is a risk that the drug is embryotoxic/teratogen to the human fetus. (first Trimester). |
Gr 8 | There is a risk that the drug is fetus toxis. (second and third Trimester). |
Gr 9 | There is a risk that the drug causes prenatal complication or abnormalities. |
Gr 10 | There is a risk that the drug causes hormone specific action on the human fetus. |
Gr 11 | There is a known risk that the drug is a mutagen/carcinogen. |
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