Jaman sekarang jamannya serba cepat dan instan. Orang selalu pingin praktis dan cepat. Ubntuk tujuan dimaksud orang sering mengambil jalan pintas (shortcut). Di keyboard komputer yang biasa kita pakai sehari2 terdapat banyak shortcut. Yang paling banyak digunakan adalah seperti berikut.
1. Windows key + E = Explorer
2. Windows key + Break = System properties
3. Windows key + F = Search
4. Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
5. ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
6. ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
7. CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
8. CTRL + C = Copy
9. CTRL + X = Cut
10. CTRL + V = Paste
11. CTRL + Z = Undo an action
12. CTRL + Y = Redo an action
13. CTRL + A =Select all items in a document or window
14. F1 = Display Help
15. F2 = Rename the selected item
16. F3 = Search for a file or folder
17. F4 = Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer
18. F5 = Refresh the active window
19. F6 = Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
20. F10 = Activate the menu bar in the active program